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Download Dub and Reggae Sound Station MULTiFORMAT-MAGNETRiXX: ↓↓↓

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Download Dub and Reggae Sound Station MULTiFORMAT-MAGNETRiXX: ↓↓↓

Dub and Reggae Sound Station MULTiFORMAT
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 10 October 2014 | 650 MB

Dub & Reggae Sound Station Seven authentic Dub and Reggae Construction Kits together with a wealth of ready to play multi-sampled instruments and over 100 incredible Dub effects. Each Kit comes with its own melodic and percussion loop elements, including Guitar Leads & Skanks, Piano Bubbles and Chops, heavyweight Dub Basses and rock-steady Drums. In addition to the song kits, the guys have included some incredible multi-sampled instruments including Bass Guitars, Electric Guitars with various effects, Melodica together with over 140 Dub Drum Shots and an essential collection of Dub FX such as Lasers, Police Sirens, Analog Sirens, Rewinds, Warning Sounds, Explosions, Gun Shots, Gongs, Lion Roars, Kung Foo Sounds, Swords Clashing, Sci-Fi Drops, Robotic Noises and not forgetting Air Horns. In detail expect to find 1.5 GB of 24-Bit Quality Loops and Sounds including 14 Bass Loops, 20 Guitar Loops, 21 Piano Loops, 24 Drum Loops, six Bass Multi Sampled Instruments, 147 Drum Shots, 26 Drum fills, 115 SFX, 11 Guitar Multi-Sampled Instruments, one Melodica Multi Sampled Instrument, 79 REX2 Files and 37 Soft Sampler Instruments.

? 1.5 GB
? 24-Bit Quality
? 7 Construction Kits
? 14 Bass Loops
? 20 Guitar Loops
? 21 Piano Loops
? 24 Drum Loops
? 6 Bass Multi Sampled Instruments
? 147 Drum Shots
? 26 Drum fills
? 115 SFX
? 11 Guitar Multi Sampled Instruments
? 1 Melodica Multi Sampled Instrument
? 79 REX2 Files
? 37 Soft Sampler Instruments

Instrument List:
? 1965 Ludwig Club date kit
? 1967 Ludwig Classic kit
? Classic Vintage Cymbals

Snare Drums:
? 1965 14x5 Ludwig COB Supraphonic
? 1965 14x5 Rogers Powertone
? 1967 14x5 Gretch Maple
? 1965 14x5 Ludwig Clubdate Maple
? 1970s 14x5 Ludwig Super Sensitive Supraphonic
? 1970s Slingerland 14x5 Maple
? 1991 14x4 DW Maple Piccolo
? 1990s 14x6 Ludwig Hammered Bronze
? 1998 14x6 Brady Single Ply Jarrah
? 1999 14x6 Pork Pie Brass
? 1999 12x4 Joe Montineri Maple Piccolo
? 2001 14x5 DW Maple
? 2010 14x5 King Maple
? 2010 14x5 King Birch

Guitars & Keys:
? 1970 Gibson ES335 hollowbody guitar
? Custom guitar built by master luthier Michael Spalt
? 1964 Fender Showman amplifier
? 1940 Gulbransen upright piano
? Custom bass built by master luthier Michael Spalt
? Casio MT140 and SK1 keyboards
? 1990 Hohner melodica